Starting 1st August till 31st August,Etude House Malaysia will be selling Petit Darling Eyes - 3 pieces for only RM5!That was super cheap!The original price I think was RM12 each..but this was 3 pieces --> RM5!! or about 2.5USD!hahah..OMG!I wanted to buy this but I'm too far away from EH now!Anybody can help me buying those??
photo courtesy of Etude House
Anyway,last time when I went to buy Etude House Two Two Kiss at Berjaya Times Square@KL, I saw a bunch of lipstick at the counter and I ask the sales assistant about that and she said the lipstick was on sale too!
There was a lot of lipstick from Code:B,VIPgirl,Petit Darling Lip and more lines from Etude House!I wanted to buy a lipstick too but unfortunately the shade that I want was sold out and the last person who bought the shade was my sister!I thought I'm going to borrow her lipstick for review,but I forgot to take the pictures..omo...
Anyway,don't miss this chance!This was super cheap!!Believe me,you won't get those price again after this!!~~
P/S : Lippies is my latest addictions.I used to dislike lipstick coz most of lipstick have matte in finish but my lips was super dry...T_T..but now I found some lipstick that moisturizing!Yeay~!