Before anything else, I would like to give my condolences to the family of QZ8501 airplane as well as the flood victim in Malaysia. Please continue to help and donate to the victims as much as you can.
I was so surprised receiving this box quite early than expected which is last two weeks. HONESTSKIN, a website that sells Korean Cosmetics held an event for Honestskin member every few weeks and the lucky ones will be receiving a handful products. I was lucky to be chosen for the second event and I did not expect to receive all the products because I expected they'll give only one product to the selected winner :) This is an open event and everyone can enter, as long as you are registered to the website.
For this box, I received a trial kit of IOPE Super Vital Cream, a full size Nature Republic Collagen HD Essencial BB Cream(don't blame me for the Essential mispelling XD) and Etude House Color Lips-fit in OR201 Dream Fit Coral. Among all these products, I am the most excited by the kit by IOPE since I never tried any IOPE skincare before and I'm least excited for the lips-fit because it is just bad. haha (Click here to read my review of the lipsfit in PK002).
IOPE Super Vital Cream

The first one is the softener and the last one is the eye cream.
The box says that this extra moist skincare is created by using the bio-science formula which "Revitalizes moist and resilient skin with Neo Lipid Carrier(N.L.C)"
This kit is like the most moist skincare I ever used. I did try Hada Labo before but it is totally different. Hada Labo sure is moisturising but it is a bit sticky and doesn't absorb well into my skin whereby this kit by IOPE really absorb well and doesn't leave a sticky feeling.
Since my skin is more to combination-oily so I think this kit a bit too moisturising for me so I don't really wear the full steps and mostly stops until the emulsion because it is enough. I switched the emulsion sometimes with the serum or the cream just to try them out. Every products feels so light on the skin which is great because "moisture" skincare tends to makes the skin feels heavy.
I wear this kit for a few days already especially on the night and I can feel that my skin is still hydrated on the next day. The most exciting thing is that it doesn't break me out like the other "moisture" skincare that I ever used aside from the fact that it is great for travel based on its size. Yeay~
Nature Republic Collagen HD Essencial BB Cream
I was surprised that this picture came out great. The colour is true to the real one.
This BB cream has the same box design as the Super Origin CC that I reviewed here. It says that this BB cream is "Formulated with 502mg Triple Collagen Complex that gives skin a radiant glow"
The main ingredient is the Hawaiian Deep Sea Water(MD 501) which is a pure and clean source of water that is harvested in uncontaminated depths of the ocean and desalinated. It's a mineral-rich water. (ref)
It only came in one shade which I think would be a little light for me but it is not. It matches me perfectly! This BB cream has a yellow undertone which is a bit rare in Korean Beauty products because most of them have a cool undertone and so that's why I think this BB cream matches me.
The texture is smooth and glides on my skin nicely. I would say that the finish is dewy because it gives a glow to the skin. Another thing that I realize that this BB cream feels a bit oily when I rubbed it between my fingers so in terms of cleaning, you definitely need a cleansing oil to remove this completely otherwise, it won't clean much.
It stays on pretty well on the skin and cover the redness on my face. I would say that the coverage is medium and you can build up the coverage without looking cakey.
The downwards probably would be that my oily parts of my skin would look shiny if it's oily so I really recommend powdering after applying this.
Etude House Color Lips-fit in OR201 Dream Fit Coral
The colour of the bottle looks disturbing and I received it like the way it is.
Exactly like the colour in the bottle. It is coral orange with a cool tone underneath.
Doing the gradient lip for the first picture and it was hard. The texture is uneven making it hard to make it look pretty. Probably it doesn't look horrible in the picture but it actually does. The colour is neon bright and does not going well with my taste but weirdly, my mom said that it looks pretty coz it got a hint of pink. Probably it does and I found out spreading by fingers would tone down the brightness of the colour and makes it wearable on daily basis(as the photo below) but too bad that this lips-fit is really too dry on the lips. By the way, I think this lips-fit is better suit as blusher than lip colour :)
Read the full review here.
Me wearing all the skincare & makeup above :)
(also wearing the lips-fit as blusher)
Thank you for reading :)